Holy moley, this cereal is GOOD (and the bowl & spoon are pretty darned cool too)!
I think I'm going to need some kind of special supplier for this limited edition flavor. Unlike the Pumpkin Spice & Salted Caramel flavors (which--spoiler alert--I didn't really care for very much) THIS flavor is AMAZEBALLS! It tastes nearly exactly like I expected it to (that is, like a sugar cookie) or very much like the old sugar puffs/corn puffs type of cereal, but with the characteristic Magic Spoon flavor profile.
I first opened this and was taken with the box and presentation of the bowl and spoon, it's very well packed and presented, it feels like a real gift, or fun special item. I was dubious when I saw the bowl was rubber/silicon, but...I got used to it (and I'm sure it'll be more durable and easy to wash and handle over time), the spoon is where it's at though; perfect size and an amazing rainbow/pearlescent color and finish, definitively worth the purchase. The little etched parrot on the bottom reminded me of toucan Sam, a very nice touch.
I hope they make this flavor a regular addition, because...I may have a problem if they don't. *scratches like an addict* "Y'all got anymore of that...Sugar Cookie cereal?" Try it out, it's great!